• 1 December 2021
  • E-Mobility

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E-Mobility Pilot Lviv: Stakeholder Meeting

The development of an E-Mobility Plan for Lviv started in August 2021 and is currently planned to be finalized by July 2022. Key of the Lviv E-Mobility Plan is to provide a concept for the implementation of electromobility and mobility from renewable energies as well a an action plan that includes use cases for Lviv by 2035. The E-Mobility Plan thereby considers public transport, municipal fleets, and mobility hubs as much as private electric transprt, light mobility and e-cargo bikes. Different levels of city administration are involved in the development of the plan, such as the Deputy Mayor for Economic Development, the Deputy Mayor for Housing and Street Infrastructure, the Department for Urban Mobility and Street Infrastructure, the City Institute, Investment office as well as the City Council Deputy. Additionally, experts support the stakeholders in the development.

Key Findings of the first Workshop

  • All stakeholders consider electric mobility as an important and promising solution for further sustainable mobility system transformation in Lviv. They are open to active discussion and engagement. The Project team will build on this “credit of trust and inspiration” and use it for close cooperation during the next project’s stages.
  • Some of the key stakeholders limit their consideration of urban e-mobility development by separately focusing on some specific issues, e.g. infrastructure, investments, electric cars production, permission for EV charging point installations etc. These specific ideas could and should be used for the development of e-mobility solutions for Lviv. But on the stage of vision and objectives development, all urban e-mobility core fields requiring improvement need to be considered for the development of coherent and comprehensive strategic orienteers for e-mobility development in the City of Lviv.
  • The strong support for sustainable mobility development by the City Authorities mitigated the impact of the absence of representatives from the municipal electric transport operator “Lvivelectrotrans” on the stage of vision and objectives identification for an Electromobility Plan for the City of Lviv. To achieve the best result under the planning process, the Project team should try again to engage representatives of ME “Lvivelectrotrans” and involve them into the discussion and participation in the development Lviv e-mobility plan.

