Although the environmental conditions for cycling are ideal in Trujillo, cycling culture has not yet fully arrived in the city. That's why TUMI and Transporte Metropolitano de Trujillo (TMT) have worked on awareness and capacity building for citizens on cycling.
Trujillo is with its 780.000 inhabitants the biggest secondary city of Peru. As a mid-sized, flat city with a moderate climate, it theoretically has ideal conditions for cycling. Yet, the city of Trujillo has almost no cycling infrastructure and, consequently, a very low cycling participation in its modal division, because, even though most residents walk or commute in public transport and taxis, priority is given to cars. The project’s vision is to prepare and steer the transition of Trujillo towards a city with a sustainable and integrated transport system and high-quality spaces for active mobility and, at the same time, to provide a safe and resilient mobility option to citizens during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic.
This will be done by building up the first network of connected cycling lanes with infrastructure, raising awareness, training cyclists and sensitizing car drivers. The aim is to seize the opportunity brought about by the pandemic to redistribute space in favour of active mobility and to create the basis for a continuous growth of the city’s cycling network.
413 stakeholders were trained to promote the use of non-motorized transport, such as mayors, technical staff, cyclists, students, public and private transport operators, and the general public.
22 youth promoters for field work, where they toured the 59 neighborhood territories to educate and raise awareness about the use of non-motorized transport and the recovery of public spaces.
Activities in public spaces with high pedestrian traffic (with stationary bicycles, interactive screens, house-to-house education) were made.
With the participation of 1000 cyclists, the “03 Bicicleteadas por un Trujillo sostenible”, campaign was organized to motivate citizens on the use of non-motorized transport.
3 micro programs were implemented: Micro Abierto – Relatos sobre ruedas – Promotores en acción. Citizens had opportunity to talk about their experiences and their alternative solutions. Public spaces were recovered with the support of the neighbors.
Dialogue tables were held with representatives of the 59 neighborhood territories of Trujillo.
For “recovery of public spaces”, a pilot intervention in public spaces was developed through workshops to gather the ideas of the mayors.
Proposals and designs were developed for the recovery of 4 public spaces.
Finally, a MOOC virtual course on non-motorized transport management was held with the aim of strengthening the technical capacities to promote the use of bicycles.
Project's Objectives
The project’s main objectives were:
Transform Trujillo step by step into a city with a sustainable transport system with a focus on a high quality active mobility, especially by improving the cycling infrastructure.
At the same time, the project intends to quickly provide a safe and resilient mobility option for citizens during the on-going pandemic. On a local level the project focuses on training and growing TMT’s technical and socio-cultural capacities in developing cycling awareness for all users. This includes providing tools and methods to promote cycling as an affordable, accessible and efficient mode of transport
Key Outputs
They recovered public spaces and increased use of non-motorized transportation by raising awareness, training cyclists and sensitizing car drivers.
Challenges and Learnings
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the need to re-arrange the urban transport system of the city became apparent. While patronage for public transit declined, the demand for active mobility in form of walking and cycling rose significantly but faced a limited supply in comfortable and safe foot- and cycling paths. At the same time encouraging modal shift to cycling is seen as a solution to reduce high road congestion levels in the city while preventing the COVID-19 to spread out further.
The Team
Viviane Weinmann
Transport Planner
Holding a degree in Aviation Management as well as Sustainable Transport Planning. She is experienced in road and pedestrian microsimulation modelling, feasibility studies and transport master planning. Before joining TUMI she also designed public transport and active mobility infrastructure, primarily in Singapore and the wider Southeast Asian Region.
Focus Areas: WMW
Leonie Guskowski
Project Manager
Graduated in Business Administration with a focus on Financial Management & Financial Markets. Besides managing and monitoring of a variety of pilot projects, she focuses on female empowerment and inclusivity of the mobility sector. She has been working in different departments of the GIZ for several years.
Supported by
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
GIZ provides services worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment, energy and the environment, and peace and security. The diverse expertise of our federal enterprise is in demand around the globe, with the German Government, European Union institutions, the United Nations and governments of other countries all benefiting from these services. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is the main commissioning party, but GIZ also works with the private sector, fostering successful interaction between development policy and foreign trade.