A Public Transport And Health Service For Singra

With our project we established the first public transport route in Singra, Bangladesh. Moreover, we introduced e-vehicles for public health services and ensured Corona medical and nutrition security distribution.


Project Description

Singra is a remote town that had no public transportation systems within the city as well as very little contact to international partners. Privately owned rikshaws have been circulating in Singra for some years, but due to their unprofessional electrification they are seen as a safety hazard. With our project we introduced ten e-rickshaws as a means of public transport as well as two emergency medical service vehicles. With that, together with the construction of an e-rickshaw garage and extended safety training for drivers, Singra and TUMI were able to develop a new operating model where drivers are paid fair wages and are trained on how to safely operate the vehicles to improve the safety and access for the citizens of Singra.


Design, tender and construction of a storage garage done by Singra’s engineers

Vehicle requirement design and tendering – locally and from abroad, including technical assessment

Mapping and route setting for e-rickshaw operation

Fair & transparent selection of drivers with an accompanying a safety training program

Joint design of operation model of public transport and emergency vehicle system

ICLEI and GIZ Bangladesh were actively supporting during construction, vehicle selection, local manufacturing, and advised on the electrical/ charging infrastructure to achieve maximum impact.

Project's Objective


The main objects of the project were to lower the emissions by: 

  • promoting E-Rikshaws as public transport  
  • promoting E-Ambulances for emergency health support  
  • make lithium batteries locally and establishing a charging station 

Main Outcomes

  • First public transport route in Singra was established, for citizens who live in areas previously underserved by the private rickshaw operators
  • Provision of emergency medical transport services in all areas of the city was established
  • Ten drivers have been employed through the city on a permanent basis (salary/incentive model)
  • Driver safety training for ten drivers through BRAC (a local NGO)
  • Strengthening local production of electric vehicles through purchase local company (4 of 10 vehicles)
  • Construction of a garage to safely park and maintain e-rickshaws and charging infrastructure
  • Singra Municipality received the Urban Resilience
  • Award for its works on e-mobility by ICCCAD in October 2019

Challenges and Learnings


The pilot phase has provided evidence that some minor adaptations will have to be made for the project to ensure viable, long-term success. Examples of this would include the purchase of higher quality batteries (lithium-ion) as well as additional driver training.

It should also be considered to increase the number of vehicles to optimize the system and increase the viability of the project as a whole.

Singra Municipality had no previous experience in working with GIZ or in the field of sustainable transport/mobility or electric vehicles. Basic knowledge and technical knowledge had to be built up to allow the project to be a success.

Potentials for Scaling Up

Based on the available data after COVID, 6% of all trips taken in Singra were using the TUMI e-rickshaws. This shows that such an approach has the potential to be scaled within the city to ensure safe, fair and transparent mobility options for all citizens.

Following the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, adaptations had to be made, and the project showed remarkable flexibility and resilience.

With the newly gathered experience, the Singra Municipality now has an understanding and knowledge in interacting with international partners, preparing the ground to intensify cooperation and to initiate new partnerships and sharing this knowledge with others.

Binayak Kumar Chakraborty

TUMI Challenge Winner 2018

"The planet is warming and sea levels are rising. CO2 is emitted everywhere. It's essential to take action against climate change. We can save our planet by reducing carbon emissions. TUMI is a great initiative because it not onnly develops improved mobility, but it also plays an important role in reducing carbon and in building our capacities across different development sectors, including education and health."

The Team

Frederic Tesfay

Project Manager

Mechanical Engineer who immediately went into project management within the field of construction; having worked two years in USA and a further five years for GIZ in Africa focused on project implementation. After developing a strong focus on monitoring and controlling, he successfully began managing projects in the field of technical education and capacity building in Asia.

Focus Areas: TUMI Data, TUMI Labs, TUMI E-Bus Mission

Supported by


Local Governments for Sustainability

ICLEI is the leading global network of more than 1,500 cities, towns and regions committed to building a sustainable future. By helping the ICLEI Network to become sustainable, low-carbon, resilient, ecomobile, biodiverse, resource-efficient and productive, healthy and happy, with a green economy and smart infrastructure, we impact over 25% of the global urban population. Visit our website

ICLEI Website


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

GIZ provides services worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment, energy and the environment, and peace and security. The diverse expertise of our federal enterprise is in demand around the globe, with the German Government, European Union institutions, the United Nations and governments of other countries all benefiting from these services. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is the main commissioning party, but GIZ also works with the private sector, fostering successful interaction between development policy and foreign trade.

GIZ Website


Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is headed by the Minister, Svenja Schulze, the Parliamentary State Secretaries, Dr. Bärbel Kofler and Niels Annen, and the State Secretary, Jochen Flasbarth. When Germany provides a developing country with a low-interest loan, when German experts advise the government of a partner country on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) or when private German organisations carry out projects in developing countries, these are all approaches involving direct development cooperation between Germany and its partners. Besides engaging in such bilateral development cooperation activities, Germany is also involved in activities for the benefit of the developing countries at the international level.

BMZ Website
