Podcasts: Optimizing the road network and use


Dec 8: Streets Ahead Live! From Waltham Forest // Streets Ahead

Aug 24: Mega Infrastructure Rapid Rail Project (RapidX) of NCRTC | Vinay Kumar Singh // Mobility Innovators Podcast 

Jun 19: RT 48 – Jan-Dirk SchmöckerHyperpaths and the benefits of unreliability // Researching Transit 

Jun 19: EPISODE 331: Carmageddon — LTNs, Tokyo and the libertarian case against cars // The Spokesmen Cycling Roundtable Podcast  

May 18: Partnerships Driving Innovation: How Ride-Hailing is Changing Transportation | Jen Shepherd // Mobility Innovators Podcast

Mar 17: MF075: On-Demand-Verkehre: Die Zukunft des ÖPNV? – mit Kathrin Karola Viergutz vom Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt // Mobilitätsfunk

Feb 15: AI-Powered Planning and Scheduling can help to address drivers shortage | Amos Haggiag // Mobility Innovators Podcast

Jan 26: Improving informal transport in eastern Africa with Tom Courtright // Talking Transport Transformation


Nov 16: Mondays at The Overhead Wire – A Public Utility // Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast

Nov 07: TDM – The Soft Side of Transportation // Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast

Aug 26: Understanding The Value of Shared Mobility, How to Design Infrastructure For All Road Users & More (w/ Dr. Natalia Barbour)// Pave The Way

July 20: How five US cities built 335 miles of separated cycleway networks in two years//The Spokesmen Cycling Roundtable Podcast

July 18: Three ultracyclists explain how and why//The Spokesmen Cycling Roundtable Podcast

June 24: Accelerating the Energy Transition on US Roads and Highways// Esri & The Science of Where Podcast

May 23: Stop motorways, remove parking, boost bicycling, says Sweden’s Climate Law Inquiry// The Spokesmen Cycling Roundtable Podcast

May 19: Detective Superintendent Andy Cox// Streets Ahead

May 17: PX gets interviewed, about us// PlanningXChange

May 05: A Next Generation Transport Policy// Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast

Apr 07: Jacob Greig explains why the Dynamic Carpool Matching will help save the planet// Between the Lines – a TDM podcast powered by Commutifi

Mar 1: TEASER: The Godfathers of Disinformation// The War on Cars

Feb 18: Ep. 24 La vida en Utopía con Chris Bruntlett (Curbing Traffic) (SPANISH)// Planners Under the Influence

Feb 15: Sag mal, Maxi: Wie sieht der Schrauber die Elektromobilität – Chance oder Bedrohung? (German)// She Drives Mobility

Jan 31: The New Highway Code// Streets Ahead- The New Highway Code

Jan 27: The End of Uber with Cory Doctorow// The War on Cars

Jan 19: TEASER: Let’s Crush These Dirt Bikes with Alex Pareene// The War on Cars


Dec 1: Are AV’s the Key to Reducing Gridlock? A Conversation With ‘Gridlock Sam’ Schwartz// No Parking Podcast

Nov 23: Third Anniversary Mailbag// The War on Cars

Nov 11: Episode 359: Streets are Not Just Pipes// Talk Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast

Nov 10: Episode 100: Mondays at The Overhead Wire – Double Infrastructure All the Way// Talk Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast

Oct 14: Episode 355: Asphalt – A History// Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast

Sep 30: Episode 353: Depave Cities // Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast

Sep 29: #076- Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework // The Mobility Podcast

Sep 28: What Central Asia can tell us about bridging infrastructure and firm competitiveness gaps // Asia’s Developing Future

May 31: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices: Looking Back, Looking Forward with Jeff Lindley, PE, ITE Chief Technical Officer // Transportation Radio // Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices: Looking Back, Looking Forward with Jeff Lindley, PE, ITE Chief Technical Officer | Transportation Radio (wordpress.com)

May 25: ITE Talks Transportation’s tracks// Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices: Looking Back, Looking Forward with Jeff Lindley, P.E., ITE Chief Technical Officer // Podcasts – Institute of Transportation Engineers (ite.org)

May 23: Reallabor Hamburg: 200 Projekte für zukunftsgerechte Mobilität // She Drives Mobility // She Drives Mobility #59 – Reallabor Hamburg: 200 Projekte für zukunftsgerechte Mobilität – Katja Diehl (katja-diehl.de)

May 3: The Driver // The War on Cars //
The War on Cars (libsyn.com)

Apr 28: TEASER: The Micacle Pill with Peter Walker // The War On Cars //
The War on Cars: TEASER: The Miracle Pill with Peter Walker (libsyn.com)

Apr 22: Down on Main Street // Talking Headways //
Talking Headways Podcast: Down on Main Street – Streetsblog USA

Mar 21: #270 – Streets for kids // The Spokesmen Cycling Podcast //
Hosted by David Bernstein & Carlton Reid since 2006 (the-spokesmen.com)

Mar 24: Ryan Russo, Oakland DOT Director – Lessons Leanred from the Slow Streets Programm // Transportation Radio //
Ryan Russo, Oakland DOT Director – Lessons Learned from the Slow Streets Program | Transportation Radio (wordpress.com)

Feb 25: Less Congestion After Ride Hailing Cessation // Talking Headways // https://usa.streetsblog.org/2021/02/25/talking-headways-podcast-less-congestion-after-ride-hailing-cessation/ //

Feb 05: MF009: Grüne Strategien im Mobility-as-a-Service Markt mit FREE NOW // Mobilitätsfunk // https://mobilitaetsfunk.de/mf009-gruene-strategien-im-mobility-as-a-service-markt-mit-free-now/ //

Jan 13: Humane Streets with Anil Dash // The War on Cars // https://waroncars.libsyn.com/humane-streets-with-anil-dash //

Jan 19: An Interview with Jim Gibbs and a Conversation about Pay By Vehicle // The Parking Podcast // https://soundcloud.com/theparkingpodcast/an-interview-with-jim-gibbs-and-a-conversation-about-pay-by-vehicle //

Jan 01: Public Realm Resolutions // Spacing Toronto // http://spacing.ca/toronto/2021/01/01/podcast-spacing-radio-052-public-realm-resolutions/ //


Dec 23: Robin Chase (Zipcar) on the Value of Space // Metropolitan Mobility Podcast Geert Kloppenburg // https://podcasts.apple.com/nl/podcast/christmas-special-2020-robin-chase-zipcar-on-value/id1207576409?i=1000503356166 //

Dec 20: Flexible Streets // City of the Future // https://cityofthefuture.libsyn.com/flexible-streets //

Nov 24: Complete Streets in a Pandemic and Beyond with Jennifer Toole, Toole Design // ITE Talks Transportation’s // https://www.spreaker.com/user/ite-talks-transportation/jennifer-toole //

Nov 11: Tactical Urbanism: Think Big, Start Small, Learn Fast // The Transportation Podcast by VERCOS // https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5idXp6c3Byb3V0LmNvbS84NTQ0NDYucnNz/episode/QnV6enNwcm91dC02MzIyNzY1?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjwuOfDrNzuAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg //

Feb 6: Intelligent Transport Podcast on making streets within London’s Square Mile cleaner and safer – Bruce McVean, City of London Corporation // Intelligent Transport // https://www.intelligenttransport.com/podcast/95592/intelligent-transport-podcast-episode-5-bruce-mcvean-city-of-london-corporation/ //
