Podcasts: Tech and Data


Jul 16: #309: Alex Kendall of Wayve // Autonocast

Jul 3: 142. Using Data to Tackle Air Pollution // Follow the Data

Jun 6: Episode 486: The Computable City // Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast  

Jun 4: E113: An Interview with Michael Thoreau and a Conversation about Parkalytics // The Parking Podcast

Apr 16: #303: The Robotaxi Gambit // Autonocast

Apr 10: Intelligent Transport Podcast Episode 30 – Jennifer Sanders, North Texas Innovation Alliance // Intelligent Transport Podcast

Mar 20: Our last gem from TRB 2024: Unpacking Transportation & Artificial Intelligence with Renee Autumn Ray of Hayden AI // The Mobility Podcast

Mar 17: Driving Energy Transition: Role of Data Transparency in Reaching Net Zero // Mobility Innovators Podcast

Jan 18: Episode 466: Making DOTs Measure Emissions // Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast


Nov 17: Logistics, Transport and Mobility Infrastructure in Smart Communities, with Karandeep Chadha // The Smart Community Podcast

Oct 12: The Future of Delivery is with Robots // Ride On! by Micromobility Industries

Oct 11: AI in Transit Panel with Eve Machol and Renee Autumn Ray // Transit Unplugged

Sep 15: AI in Traffic Management – How NoTraffic is solving Traffic Congestion? | Tal Kresier // Mobility Innovators Podcast

Aug 30: AVs & American Competitiveness – Hilary Cain, Alliance for Automotive Innovation (TRB ARTS 2023) // The Mobility Podcast

Aug 23: Intelligent Transport Podcast Episode 23 – Alex Berwin, Forest // Intelligent Transport Podcast 

Jul 31: Using Data Storytelling to improve the Walkability of Smart Communities, with Boopsie Maran // The Smart Community Podcast

Jul 4: How Software Intelligence is Driving Safer, Sustainable Battery Management // The Counterpoint Podcast

Jul 2: Creating India’s First Multi-Modal Public Transport App, with Monalisha Thakur // The Smart Community Podcast

Jul 1: RT 49 – Marcela Munizaga – Transit Data for Forecasting and Analysis // Researching Transit 

Jun 26: V2G 101 – How Soon Can We Embrace This Technology? With Claire Miller // The Fully Charged Podcast

Jun 16: 187: Spatial computing and what it means for micromobility with Horace Dediu // Ride On! by Micromobility Industries

Jun 15: HERE UniMapLeveraging AI and Automation to Redefine Mapmaking at Scale // The Counterpoint Podcast 

Jun 14: New, Innovative Microtransit Models and How to Make Sure You Always Bring Your Passions to Work // Transit Unplugged 

Jun 4: RT 47 – Stefan Voß – Transit Robustness, data and the state of the research field // Researching Transit 

Feb 15: AI-Powered Planning and Scheduling can help to address drivers shortage | Amos Haggiag // Mobility Innovators Podcast
