Author: Women Mobilize Women

Bridging the Gender Data Gap in Transport

Transport is not gender neutral. Women’s mobility behavior differs greatly from that of men: on average, women walk more often and use public transport more, while men resort to the car more often. In doing so, women face the risk of (sexual) harassment and other forms of violence. Women have more diverse mobility needs and represent the largest share of public transport users worldwide. Yet, there are no robust data analyses on women’s mobility patterns and transportation needs. There is an urgent need to close the gender data gap to ensure that transportation planning, design, operations, and user experience are inclusive. As part of the Women Mobilize Women initiative, ground data sets were collected, analyzed, and recommendations developed in 4 selected cities.

On behalf of WMW, WhereIsMyTransport Ltd. and Groots conducted  multi-layered data collections in the African pilot metropoles Nairobi, Lagos, Gauteng and Abdijan. The data collection included online surveys, in-field surveys, ride-alongs, workshops and ground data collections with local shop owners.  

Explore the results on our dedicated website!

Bridging the Gender Data Gap in Transport
