Active Mobility Cycling Planning
Author: TUMI

Building a child- friendly Tirana – Investing in a sustainable mobility future, one step at a time

A city that is child-friendly is a city for everyone.

This video illustrates how The Municipality of Tirana and GIZ Albania have enhanced the walking and cycling experience in the city through initiatives like the “School Streets Programme” with Qendra Marrëdhënie and the “Cycling School” with the Agency of Parks and Recreation. By creating safe spaces for children, they foster an inclusive, sustainable urban environment.

The impact of this initiative on the community underscores that prioritizing children’s well-being contributes to a city that benefits residents of all ages.

Watch this video to discover the journey of marginal gains, continuous learning, and the steps taken to overcome challenges, showcasing the before-and-after scenarios.

Building a child- friendly Tirana – Investing in a sustainable mobility future, one step at a time
