Author: TUMI
Decoding Women’s Travel Experiences. A Study of Nairobi, Lagos, and Gauteng
There is an urgent need to close the gender data gap to ensure that transportation planning, design, operations, and user experience are inclusive. As part of the Women Mobilize Women initiative, ground data sets were collected, analyzed, and policy recommendations developed in Nairobi, Lagos and Gauteng.
The focus of the data collection lies on identifying mobility patterns, means of transport, mobility needs and limitations, as well as perceptions of existing mobility services and infrastructure. On behalf of WMW, WhereIsMyTransport Ltd. conducted multi-layered data collections in the African metropoles. The data collection includes online surveys, in-field surveys, ride-along, and focus group workshops. This research resulted in the study ‘Decoding Women’s Travel Experiences’, published by TUMI and WhereIsMyTransport.
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