Author: TUMI
Perspectives on Electric Road Systems in Germany (IChargeHDV, Session 1)
The Indo-German virtual Workshop on Innovative Charging Technology for Heavy Duty Vehicles (IChargeHDV) was organized to advance industrial research partnership in catenary truck technology, which is of interest for both the nations. To this end, it provided a platform for policy makers, infrastructure developers, R&D institutes, and leading industry players in road freight transport technology/rolling stock supply. The workshop enabled stakeholders to develop competitive joint knowledge pools and to share already achieved experience in the sector, combined with an overview of strategies to support each other in reducing the GHG emissions and pollutants from road freight transport. The workshop also aimed to enhance the technological partnership between nations by inviting young scientists from Germany and India.
This session focused on perspectives on electric road systems in Germany.
Topics of discussion:
- German eHighway strategy
- Role of eHighway technology in climate policy
- Importance of government support in the first phase
Speaker: Markus Becker, The German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety