The TUMI StartUp Accelerator

Not even a year ago we embarked on an incredible journey. The quest: Unlocking better and sustainable mobility for millions through digital mobility transformations.

13th of March 2019 marks a highlight in our journey: More than 50 entrepreneurs, investors and urban mobility representatives came together over an important event in Nairobi: The TUMI StartUp Accelerator held its mid-term pitches. Ambitious mobility startups entered the conversation with high-level investors and advisors united in one goal: Matching ideas & capital to enable better access for millions of individuals on the African continent. The TUMI StartUp Accelerator, initiated and funded by the Transformative Urban Mobility In¬itiative (TUMI) in cooperation with TUMI Partner UN-Habitat is run by the C4DLab at the University of Nairobi.

The basic assumption underpinning TUMI digital endeavors in Sub-Sahara Africa is that innovation is no longer optional; it is essential so cities can continue to thrive and improve the life of their residents.
Above all women, children and people with reduced mobility are suffering daily under the urban mobility crisis in their cities; at the same time missing transport infrastructure and lacking public transport leads to cities falling back and not becoming machines of growth and forces of sustainable development. Emerging digital mobility companies can be important enablers for better transport. The TUMI StartUp Accelerator supports our goal to establish smart digital mobility as a fundamental element of sustainable development worldwide.

Leading disruptive digital partnerships, Job creation & digital entrepreneurship, Smart & shared mobility implementation, Focus sustainable Sub-Saharan Africa is what the TUMI StartUp Accelerator empowers.

During this short but intense event, teams presented their promising and innovative ideas and received further support to develop their products to market-readiness. The TUMI Accelerator Teams will continue to be supported in future activities and receive continued support and mentoring by TUMI.

