By Sophia Sünder
In Partnership with TUMI and UN-Habitat, Open Streets Cape Town is hosting the first Open Streets Exchange between African cities in Cape Town, South Africa from 22nd – 28th October 2018 to develop a stronger network between streets enthusiasts in different African cities.
It targets especially government officials and civil society streets enthusiasts with the objective to facilitate a practical knowledge exchange between those engaged in the non-motorised transport (NMT) sector and explore the potential for Open Streets initiatives in other African cities similar to those of the Open Streets Cape Town Initiative.
We get to meet people from different environments, understanding the various challenges that we face and noticing the similarities in the challenges as well as the different approaches we can take towards solving these problems.
Constant Cap, Urban Planner from Nairobi, Kenya
The study aims to provide a “real-life” experience of Open Streets activities and placemaking as a participatory and collaborative process that inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces and streets in order to maximize shared value. Furtherly, the exchange shall equip participants with an understanding of how to plan, facilitate and implement an Open Streets initiative and to provide guidance to participants upon return and support them in planning for their own Open Streets programme.