• 12 July 2023
  • E-Buses

TUMI E-Bus Mission | July 2023 Update

Welcome to the July issue of the TUMI E-Bus Mission update!

As we embrace the summer season, we are not only planning our upcoming activities in the near future but also looking ahead. In that spirit, this month we are shining a spotlight on the importance of the circular economy principle in the context of e-buses, particularly in addressing the issue of accumulating e-bus batteries.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our “Measures Catalogue for Improving the Circularity of Batteries Used in E-Buses.” This comprehensive catalogue is designed to assist decision-makers, municipalities, and transit agencies in effectively implementing circular economy principles in e-bus procurement and operations. We believe this valuable resource will play a significant role in promoting sustainability and advancing our collective goals.

We invite you to dive into this topic and explore other resources we have prepared for you. We hope you find them engaging and informative.

Enjoy the read!

Your TUMI E-Bus Mission Team


Number of the Month

33% of Curitiba’s bus fleet is expected to operate with zero emissions by 2030

©Jose Fernando Ogura / SMCS

Exciting news from Curitiba! The city is all set to test an electric bus from Marcopolo on the Interbairros II route starting at the beginning of July. By introducing electric buses, the city aims to reduce emissions, improve air quality, and pave the way for a greener future. By 2030, 33% of Curitiba’s bus fleet is expected to operate with zero emissions; reaching 100% by 2050, as part of the Climate Action Plan (PlanClima), aligned with global sustainability actions.

Read more >


Highlights of the Month

Introducing the “Measures Catalogue for Improving the Circularity of Batteries used in E-Buses”

We are proud to announce the launch of the “Measures Catalogue for Improving the Circularity of Batteries used in E-Buses”. The catalogue provides decision-makers, municipalities, and transit agencies with a set of 11 measures to promote circular economy practices in e-bus procurement and operation. By 2025, an estimated 600,000 e-buses will be in operation worldwide, requiring proper waste management strategies.

Check out the Measures Catalogue >

Check out the Infographics >

Maximizing Sustainability & Minimizing Waste

Explore the concept of circular economy in electric buses through the infographic on circular economy in e-bus batteries. Discover the waste prevention hierarchy matrix and learn about the components of electric buses, including batteries composed of critical raw materials. Gain insights into the growing volume of battery waste and the importance of proper management, as well as the potential benefits of efficient battery recycling. Check out the infographic offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese!

Go to Infographic >


Bogotá’s Electrifying Journey to Zero-Emission Buses

©Jens Giersdorf / TUMI

When it comes to e-bus adoption, our deep dive city Bogotá has a lot of lessons to share. Learn more from these two analyses focusing on the following topics:
1) Business models that showcase the innovative approaches employed in the governance of electric bus procurement, prepared by C40 Cities;
2) Charging infrastructure which sheds light on the provision of infrastructure and charging energy, taking into account technical and regulatory considerations, prepared by The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT).


Key Messages

Key Message 2

E-buses have positive health impacts on city residents by reducing air and noise pollution.

Air pollution is a very serious issue for both rural and metropolitan populations. The UN environment program classifies it as “the greatest environmental threat to public health globally” and estimates million premature deaths to be caused by breathing in high levels of fine particulate matter every year. Tackling the problem of global air pollution will need to involve measures targeted at transport…

Read the full key message >

Check out the TUMI E-Bus Mission’s six key messages now available at our TUMI Blog.



Check out these convincing resources and learn more on the positive health impact that e-buses have on city residents. Discover more at our TUMI Knowledge Hub!

Toward a Healthier World: Connecting the dots between climate, air quality and health

Read here

©Fernando Stankuns

Climate and air pollutant emissions benefits of bus technology options in São Paulo

Read here

©C40 Cities

Benefits of urban climate action: Electric buses in Jakarta

Read here

Building a regulatory and financial basis for Transjakarta first phase E-bus deployment

Read here

E-Bus basics: A guide for the transition to e-buses

Read here


Learning Opportunities

The E-Course “Digitalizing E-Bus Projects” continues!

The TUMI E-Bus Mission e-course “Digitalizing E-Bus Projects” still welcomes new participants! Join this online training to learn how to plan, procure and achieve improved operations efficiency of e-bus projects with digital tools.

Learn more about the e-course

Choose from the e-course series: Transforming Urban Mobility

Learn new skills, pursue your interests or advance your career with the short online courses offered by TUMI in collaboration with other partners at Future Learn.

Find out more


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