• 25 July 2023
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TUMI Update August 2023 – Cycling Special

Welcome to this issue of the TUMI Update!

Dear Friends of TUMI,

We are excited to celebrate upcoming August as the Month for Cycling! With summer in full swing, what better way to embrace the season than by focusing on the joys and benefits of cycling?

For this special edition, we’ve called on our network and scrabbled about our TUMI resources to curate a collection of articles, news, podcasts, and more, all centered around cycling.

Join us as we pedal through the summer and explore the world of sustainable transport on two wheels!

Have a great read!

Highlight of the Month

Cycling in the Heat: Overcoming Challenges and Promoting Sustainable Mobility

As temperatures rise and extreme weather events become more frequent, cycling in hot climates poses a unique set of challenges. Just as extremely cold weather can deter cyclists, scorching heatwaves can also discourage individuals from hopping on their bikes. However, cities around the world are proving that cycling can remain a viable and rational choice even in the face of adverse weather conditions. This article explores the obstacles faced by ‘summer cyclists’ and showcases inspiring solutions implemented by innovative cities.

Read the article now!

Beat the Heat – A Quick Guide

Heat waves pose multifaceted challenges, impacting not only cyclists and human health but also exerting significant pressure on urban infrastructure. In this booklet, we delve into the impact of heat waves on cities and urban transport and explore the essential measures and adaptations needed to create cooler and more resilient urban environments. With a specific focus on transport, we uncover innovative strategies to mitigate heat-related issues and ensure comfortable and efficient mobility for city dwellers.

Download the guide now!

Publications & Articles

Planning Cycling Infrastructure: Learning from Best Practices

From Transmilenio to Cycle Networks – Lessons Learned from Bogotá’s Comprehensive Urban Mobility Planning

This case study publication dives deeper into the evolution of sustainable urban mobility in Bogotá, Colombia, two times recipient of the Sustainable Transport Award (in 2005 and 2022). It is a useful document for cities, decision makers and advocates to learn how a strong vision for equitable and sustainable urban mobility can transcend through different political terms, and how mobility systems can withstand and bounce back from disruptions such as the recent pandemic while also addressing climate change.

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ITDP I The Eight Elements of a Cycling City

ITDP’s Cycling Cities campaign brings together a cohort of cities and partners working to permanently redesign streets and adopt key policies to support cycling, so that 25 million more people live near safe cycle lanes by 2025. Based on this work, we have identified eight core elements for what makes a city a true ‘cycling city’ with examples of how these elements are being implemented.

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Evolution of Public Bicycle Sharing Systems in India

In India, the introduction of a Public Bicycle Sharing (PBS) system in 2017 sparked a trend. Research was conducted across Indian cities to delve into the strategies behind these implementations, exploring the advantages and outcomes of such systems and weighs the potential benefits of expanding PBS to more cities.

Download the publication here »

ICLEI I Cars are out. Bikes are in. Sustainable mobility is making waves in Malmö.

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Advocating Cycling

5 ways to accelerate urban cycling

To create a successful cycling culture, safe infrastructure and stakeholder integration are essential. TUMI has supported cities worldwide in promoting cycling and identified five key approaches to ensure cyclist safety. Pilot projects serve as effective tools to raise public awareness and inspire change in communities.
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10 Myths about Cycling

In the cycling world, cycling advocates often face opposition when cities plan to improve their cycling infrastructure. Opponents often rely on flawed arguments that prevent the promotion of cycling. However, these arguments are often based on misconceptions. In this article, TUMI debunks 10 common myths about cycling.

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ITDP I Making the Economic Case for Cycling

Cycling has significant economic benefits—for individuals, cities, and society—and functions as a low-cost, high-yield, scalable solution to climate and equity issues. Investments in cycling infrastructure also create jobs and opportunities to expand existing industries or develop new ones. In this brief, we make the economic case for cycling and demonstrate how investments in cycling infrastructure are the key to unlocking economic and other benefits.

Download the report »

The role of the Bicycle in Logistics

ICLEI I Berlin’s and Barcelona’s takes on cycle logistics

©Kaden, Christian

Cargo bikes have become an increasingly popular and practical last-mile delivery solution in many cities worldwide. Micro consolidation hubs enable the shift of goods from high polluting trucks to cargo bikes and replace vans in last-mile delivery.

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ICLEI I 15-minute delivery in the 15-minute city

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ICLEI I The story of Bicicargo: Incorporating cargo bikes into public bike offerings

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Women & Cycling

ICLEI I Women in logistics: A look at bicycle logistics practices in Latin America


The recently released publication on the cycle logistics practices in Latin America (in Spanish) covers these challenges, among others. It offers an overview of piloted and tested solutions through the IKI Ecologistics Project.

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ICLEI I A tale of three regions: Empowering women through active mobility in India, Nigeria, and Europe

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ICLEI I Two cities bridging the gender gap in transportation and the women leading it

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SLOCAT I Life-changing bicycles in Africa for young girls and our planet

©World Bicycle Relief

Smile’s story: How bicycles help young girls in rural Africa feel safer, get to school on time and change their lives.

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Learn more about the connection of gender and cycling with Women Mobilize Women!

Three Women who Changed the Course of History On Bicycles

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Cycling as a Women’s Movement in Rural Tamil Nadu

©P. Sainath / the wire

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Bridging the Mobility Gap with Bicycles in Rural Zambia

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How Electric Cycles and Micro-Mobility are enabling more Inclusive Transport by Melissa Bruntlett

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Can Cargo Bikes Close the Gender Mobility Gap?

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Freedom to Move: How Cycling Helps Enable more Inclusive Transport

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New release >> Unveiling the Transformative Power of Cycling in Nairobi

Are you ready to uncover the power of cycling in Nairobi? In a city where cycling is often associated with either poverty or an elitist sport, the Critical Mass movement is challenging these perceptions. Tune in to our podcast and get inspired by Cyprine Odada’s journey!

Tune in >>

Feminist Perspectives on Biking and Commuting

Join us as we embark on a captivating journey with Keisha Mayuga, a cycling activist and a remarkable feminist voice in the field of transportation. In this episode, we explore what a feminist transport system looks like, the challenges women face in mobility around the world and much more! Tune in >>

Cycling Revolution in Bogotá

Cycling’s popularity has surged worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, has gained recognition for its bicycle-friendly initiatives. In this episode Nicolas Estupinan, the Secretary of Mobility for Bogotá, shared the city’s successful strategies in promoting cycling as a safe and healthy transportation option. Tune in >>

Promoting cycling in urban mobility

What role does ‘cycling’ play in the urban mobility system and what can be done to promote this sustainable practice? Our guest, Jill Warren, gives us interesting insights and shares her experience in advocating for cycling as an active and climate-friendly mode. Tune in >>

Safe cycling as driver for sustainable mobility

In this episode, we delve into TUMI’s efforts to enhance urban mobility systems and address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus is on a pilot project taking place in Cuenca, Ecuador. To shed light on this initiative, we interview James Theom, a former director at the Copenhagenize Design Company. Tune in >>

Improving urban logistics on two wheels

In this episode, we address the hidden costs of online deliveries and the negative effects they have on traffic congestion, air pollution, and road safety. Our guest, Jérôme Lühr, a founding member of CROW Cycle Berlin, shares his critical view on the gig economy and provides insights into establishing an independent bike courier service. Tune in >>

Trainings & E-Learnings

International Summer School I Sustainable Mobility – Made in Tbilisi I 11-15th Sept. 2023

Discover the the state of the art of “Sustainable Mobility Planning”, including the advancements in safe bicycle infrastructure within the captivating city of Tbilisi. Join the International Summer School, featuring enlightening lectures, interactive workshops, enriching field trips, and more. Organised by the Transport and Urban Development Agency (TUDA) together with the Ilia State University.


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ITDP I Upcoming Webinar, August 2nd. Cycling Cities Stories: Building Awareness and Support for Cycling

In many places around the world, cycling is not seen as a mode of transport. This is largely because street infrastructure that makes cycling safe and attractive for most people is not prioritized. In the second session of ITDP’s Cycling Cities Stories webinar series, we will hear from a city representative from Niteroi, Brazil, and a national representative from India, who will share their approaches to building public and political support for cycle lanes and related cycling projects.

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ITDP I Mastering the Cycling City

Mastering the Cycling City is a self-guided course for city planners, practitioners, and advocates that provides context, guidance, and case studies to improve urban cycling.

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ITDP I Webinar Recording I Cycling Cities Stories: Making Temporary Cycle Lanes Permanent

In this webinar, we heard from two cities from ITDP’s Cycling Cities cohort—Zapopan, Mexico and Bengaluru, India—that implemented temporary cycle infrastructure during the pandemic. As part of a moderated discussion, the cities shared their stories of how this infrastructure was implemented, and the progress that has been made in the past few years on critical cycling networks.

Watch the recording »


TUMI Pilot: Cycling in Lviv

Given the current socio-political and economic situation brought up by the war in Ukraine, many people are getting on bicycles to move around, as gas prices increase, and fossil fuel-based mobility becomes more expensive. Join us on this Cycling Tour around the historical city of Lviv, in West Ukraine with Yuri Ter- Arutiunian, a mobility activist and active citizen of Lviv. Watch the Video »

TUMI TV: Cycling

In this episode, we take you on a cycling journey from Berlin to Bogotá, to Zhytomyr, to Hoi An, to Brazil, to India, to Frankfurt and other places to discover how COVID-19 has changed the role of cycling in our cities. Watch the Video »

A Bike Changes Your Life in Every Way – Biking in Bogota, Colombia

There are 800.000 daily bike trips in Bogota, Colombia. 25% of them are done by women. Lina Mendoza, Urban Biker, shares her story on how biking in Bogota is like.

Watch the Video on what biking in Bogotá is like »


Cargo Bikes – Download it here »

Cost-Benefit of Cycling Download it here »

Energy Efficiency of different Transport Modes – Download it here »

Allocation of Space for Transport Infrastructure – Download it here »

Key Steps to Roll-Out an E-Bike Sharing Scheme –  Read more »

Twitter Threads #summerofcycling

Cycling superhighways – go to Twitter Thread >>


Bicycle Tourism – go to Twitter Thread >>


Pop-up Bike Lanes – go to Twitter Thread >>


Female Cycling Pioneers – go to Twitter Thread >>


Bicycle Infrastructures that make a difference – go to Twitter Thread >>


Inspiring Twitter-Accounts – go to Twitter Thread >>


