Highlight of the Month
Bridging the gender data gap in transport
There are many gender-related differences in transport that shape mobility behaviour and travel patterns! For decades, transport planning was limited to designing networks with a more quantitative view to data collection, which fails to take into account the qualitative experiences that influence individual mobility choices. To allow a truly inclusive picture of how everyone travels, it is crucial to bridge the gender data gap.
On December 1st, Women Mobilize Women launches a new study with our partner WhereIsMyTransport during the Women and Transport Africa Conference. More information below.
A dedicated website features collaborations with WhereIsMyTransport & Groots Consulting, including the new study, innovative methods, and an illustrative poster. As subscribers you will get exclusive access to the website before the official launch.
TUMI E-Bus Mission
TUMI Day Mexico
The TUMI E-Bus Mission went on tour to Mexico, where the City Network gathered to have a City Dialogue. The peer-to-peer exchange experience had Mexican Deep Dive Cities sharing challenges and steps forward in the adoption of e-buses, as well as a workshop where successful e-bus case studies were discussed. Delegates went on a site visit to Mexico City’s L3 Metrobus depot, and the cities were invited to join the Alliance for E-Mobility under the new National E-Mobility Strategy.
TUMI E-Bus Mission City Dialogue in Mexico City © GIZ
TUMI Day Brazil
Salvador hosted the Brazilian TUMI E-Bus Mission Day with City Network representatives and experts from the financial and private sector. Delegates discussed the challenges and opportunities to achieve sustainability goals with e-buses, as well as financial models, technological structures, IT systems and operational challenges. They engaged in a workshop titled Strategic Planning, Inclusion and Image with group activities, and did a site visit to Salvador’s BRT facilities, which feature e-buses.
State of Santa Catarina, Brazil launches e-bus pilot project with support from FELICITY and TUMI
The Brazilian state of Santa Catarina has launched an e-bus pilot project in the Metropolitan Region of Florianópolis with the support of FELICITY and TUMI. The Secretary of Infrastructure and Mobility announced a tender notice for the purchase of eight e-buses and charging infrastructure for intermunicipal public passenger transport in the context of COP27. This is the first stage of the pilot project that will study the feasibility of deploying a fully electric fleet, and represents a big step for the state’s sustainable transition.
Read more (Portuguese)
E-bus market dialogue and roadmap presentation in Nairobi
Coming up: exchange and insights from the private sector and dissemination of e-mobility roadmap for Nairobi (facilitated by UITP for NAMATA).
On December 6th, an e-bus market dialogue and technical workshop will be held in Nairobi. The event will bring together field experts from NAMATA as well as other Kenyan authorities and private sector representatives. Nairobi’s roadmap towards e-mobility will be presented, and roundtable discussions on the challenges of e-bus deployment will take place.
TUMI E-Mobility
Launch of new SuM4All reports on e-mobility for the Global South
The Sustainable Mobility for All Partnership (SuM4All) has published three knowledge pieces on e-mobility and renewable energy during COP27. TUMI is proud to have co-led this joint effort through the e-mobility working group of SuM4All. Pick your favorite report below:
“Empowering E- mobility In the Global South: The Case of Two Cities–Cuenca and Nairobi”
“Electromobility and Renewable Electricity: Developing Infrastructure for Synergies”
“Decision Making Tool for E-Mobility Investments”
Campaigning e-mobility in Cuenca
Cuenca´s e-mobility plan communication strategy has just started. Empowering and inspiring the society is the strategy’s objective. Follow us and learn why it is important to decarbonize transport using electric mobility:
Website, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok
The experience of Cuenca as a TUMI pilot city has generated national interest. The city will represent its project supported by TUMI on the national conference: “Territorios Sostenibles” by Líderes para Gobernar.
Women Mobilize Women
Bridging the gender data gap in transport: New study launches at Women and Transport Africa Conference
Join us for the official launch of TUMI & WhereIsMyTransport’s study on tackling the gender data gap at the Women and Transport Africa Annual Conference organized by the Flone Initiative.
The launch event will include a deep dive into the chosen user-centric, quantitative and qualitative methodology and will bring together two researchers from Lagos and Nairobi for a candid conversation on their insights from the ground on what did and did not work in data collection.
Thursday, 1st Dec, 10:30 am CET | Zoom
TUMI in Lagos – As part of the 6th African Sustainable Urban Mobility Course
The one-week intensive course included excursions, exchange with decision-makers, interactive sessions, panel discussions and other formats. The course was initiated by the Lagos Metropolitan Transport Authority (LAMATA), implemented by Ocheneuel Mobility, co-hosted by TUMI and supported by the University of Lagos (Centre for Multimodal Transport Studies), UN Habitat and ITDP.
Participants calling for 30 km/h as default speed on urban roads in Nigeria, including the Honourable Commissioner for Transport (“e3” on the banner´s inscription) and the Managing Director of LAMATA (“ve” of the inscription)
Webinar: “Digital Solutions for Mapping Informal Transport”
Informal transportation plays a vital role in most of the developing world. TUMI was joined by Trufi Association for a webinar on ‘Digital Solutions for Mapping Informal Transport’, where we discussed the emergence of informal transport and how technologies can contribute to improving service quality, operations and societal benefits. The recording of the webinar is now available on YouTube.
Let us know what you think!
Easy parking – an innovative approach in Mexican cities
The delivery of goods in urban areas is a huge challenge –space is scarce, traffic is dense and the number of packages keeps growing. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of online orders in Mexico increased sharply. This led to even more delivery traffic and challenges for suppliers to find loading bays – as dedicated loading and un-loading bays are lacking. This in turn led to parking problems, traffic disruptions and higher fuel consumption. A vicious cycle? What can be done?
TUMI Pilots
TUMI Challenge Kochi highlighted in GUMP Newsletter
As part of the Indo-German bilateral cooperation to jointly achieve effective international contributions to fight climate change, both countries have agreed upon a strategic partnership – Green Urban Mobility Partnership (GUMP) between India’s Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) and Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The latest edition of GUMP Newsletter was launched at the Urban Mobility India Conference 2022, mentioning the TUMI Challenge Kochi. The Mayor of Kochi Mr Anil Kumar thanked the German government for their support in implementing sustainable green mobility infrastructure, including the Kochi Water Metro. He emphasised the city’s ambition to improve cycling tracks and pedestrian infrastructure.
Access the GUMP Newsletter Vol.2 here
TUMI Participation at COP27
African Voices to COP27
In the context of the Week for Sustainable Mobility and Climate that took place in Dakar (Senegal) in October 2022, TUMI and MobiliseYourCity conducted a series of interviews featuring African city representatives, including African TUMI E-Bus Mission cities. The experts shared the most pressing transport issues in their respective cities and reflected on how both local governments and the international community can take action towards addressing them. Take a look at the collection of videos in our YouTube playlist and find out how African cities can move towards more green, efficient and inclusive transport systems.
TUMI at SLOCAT Transport Day
Thank you to everyone who joined the SLOCAT Transport Day at COP27 ‘Towards Meaningful Investment in Public Transport, Walking and Cycling’. Stay tuned for a comprehensive summary via the SLOAT Transport Community Engagement at COP27 webpage.
Dr. Heike Henn, Head of the Directorate 42 – Climate, Energy, Environment, BMZ, ©SLOCAT
COP27 Presidency flagship initiative on Low Carbon Transport for Urban Sustainability (LOTUS) – Launched on 17 November
COP27 Presidency launched the flagship initiative on Low Carbon Transport for Urban Sustainability (LOTUS) on the Solutions Day on 17 November 2022 that activates systemic change to improve and decarbonize the urban mobility landscape, responding to the urgent need and willingness to move away from the legacy ‘mode-first’ mindset. This approach serves to strengthen the foundational enablers of change as first-order priority, which will then allow existing efforts to be scaled and replicated across modes and geographies. To participate in the initiative, all parties and stakeholders are kindly invited to express their interest, by filling in this registration form.
Partner News
WRI | Research paper
‘Zero-Emission Delivery Zones: Decarbonizing Urban Freight and Goods Delivery in U.S. Cities’
This paper describes zero-emission delivery zones (ZEDZs) and their potential to address the negative impacts from increased urban freight and delivery. With insights from over 15 interviews of city policymakers, logistics experts, businesses and community-based organizations, this working paper evaluates real-world ZEDZ examples and offers policymakers preliminary guidelines for the enactment of effective and equitable ZEDZs. More information…
SLOCAT | Report
‘Climate Strategies for Transport: An Analysis of Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies’
This Report analyses trends in the transport decarbonisation ambition, targets and actions in the climate strategies submitted by countries in the framework of the Paris Agreement. Specifically, the analysis focuses on Long-Term Strategies (LTS) starting from 2016 and on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) starting from 2019. On the basis of the analysis, the report seeks to establish to what extent climate action in transport by countries is on track to deliver on the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming below 1.5 °C. The Report also identifies gaps and shortcomings in the transport dimension of these national climate strategies; while it provides recommendations on how to enhance it. More information…
WRI | Blog post
‘Safer Streets with the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety’
WRI commemorates the millions of road traffic victims and their families worldwide on the World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims. More information…
ITDP | Report
‘Protected Bicycle Lanes Protect the Climate’
A new study from ITDP, Despacio, and the FIA Foundation provides the first empirical evidence directly linking bicycle infrastructure to cutting carbon emissions in middle-income cities. In fact, networks of protected bicycle lanes provide more carbon reduction per dollar spent on infrastructure than most other transport interventions. Read the full report and coverage of it in Fast Company. More information…
ITDP | Blog Post
‘Celebrating One Year of ITDP’s Cycling Cities Campaign’
ITDP launched Cycling Cities one year ago at COP26 in Glasgow. Since then, our cities and partners worldwide have had many significant achievements, moving us closer to our goal of having 25 million more people living near safe cycle lanes by 2025. While the road ahead is still long, it has never been more urgent for more cities and governments to join the global cycling movement. Read more about the campaign’s work over the past year. Anniversary Video on Twitter
More information…
WRI | Article
‘Zero-emission Delivery Zones: A New Way to Cut Traffic, Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases’
This article serves as a primer on a WRI paper that details recent trends and the increased support for zero-emission delivery, performed using zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), including different electric vehicle types, fuel cell vehicles and bikes. Applying insights from interviews with stakeholders in the United States and the Netherlands, the paper also details the concept of zero-emission delivery zones, a scalable strategy to accelerate the transition to zero-emission delivery. More information…
ITDP | Brief
‘Compact Cities Electrified: Egypt’
Published during COP27, this brief takes a look at the future of Egypt’s urban transport, identifying four highly ambitious, but feasible, scenarios for the next 30 years. Among the four scenarios, the brief finds that only transport electrification and modal shift approaches in unison can help Egypt mitigate its high emissions and prevent the worst effects of climate change. Twitter
More information…
ITDP | Course
ITDP’s learning hub courses
ITDP has launched self-guided Learning Hub courses for urban planners, officials, practitioners, and advocates interested in advancing more sustainable and equitable mobility in their cities. These initial two courses offer best practices and technical guidance drawn from cities worldwide and highlight strategies for promoting urban cycling and planning cities for children and their caregivers. More information…
WRI | Twitter thread on COP27
A COP first: The first ministerial-level meeting on cities and climate took place. The Twitter thread outlines why that is such a big deal. More information…