• 4 February 2021
  • TUMI Update

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TUMI Update February 2021

by Daniel Moser

The TUMI 2021 conference is scheduled to happen at 25th of May. Please mark this date in your calendar.

See also here for continuous updates on TUMI Events: https://www.transformative-mobility.org/events

Release of the 21Heroes2021!

21Heroes2021 honors those who achieved transport success in 2020, despite the historic challenges faced, and laid the groundwork for even more successful and sustainable mobility initiatives in 2021. The individuals highlighted in this publication are a small, yet powerful, selection of many that are actively contributing to make mobility future-oriented, safe, inclusive and sustainable.

Join us to celebrate the #21Heroes2021 Check them out à Our 21Heroes 2021

We keep you updated: TUMI Covid Challenges

In 2020, the world was struck by the COVID-19 pandemic, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. TUMI realized that in order to ensure people’s mobility, health, and safety, cities needed to be supported in reacting to their citizens’ new mobility needs and habits.

Adding onto the TUMI Global Urban Mobility Challenge, we are thus happy to present the TUMI Covid Challenges.

One example is our work with Mombasa County, Kenya to investigate how low-cost, flexible interventions like car-free streets and outdoor dining can provide space for recreation and improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Thanks to TUMI Partners ITDP & UN-Habitat & GIZ-Kenya.

We will keep you updated on the projects’ developments via Twitter: follow the hashtags #TUMICovidChallenge #TUMIChallenge

Think piece: The 15-minute city

The current pandemic has only further demonstrated the urgent need for urban transport reforms. “If the radius in which you can move around is suddenly very limited, the quality of your own neighborhood naturally becomes very relevant,” says Daniel Moser, head of the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI). Read more here…

More news from TUMI Partners

ITDP: A quick rewind from 2020 MOBILIZE Virtual

As we head into a new year, we want to highlight four Mobilize Virtual 2020 sessions that have the greatest resonance for the challenges we will be facing this year:

  • Be inspired by the transformation of Tirana, Albania from the Mayor Veliaj and Deputy Mayor Restani
  • Learn about lessons on resiliency and recovery from the pandemic frontlines
  • Delve into how to dismantle racist practices in transportation
  • Hear about the intersection of public health and transport

The Mobilize Team worked hard to bring you curated sessions and highlight new voices from around the world to discuss sustainable transport issues. If you missed attending Mobilize Virtual, here is your chance to see select sessions on Youtube. Enjoy!

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More Information

Transforming Transportation 2021: Reimagining Safe And Resilient Mobility For Recovery (Feb 3-5, 2021)

For the first all-virtual Transforming Transportation, the World Bank Group and WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities are excited to gather and engage with a diverse audience from across the globe, and to offer more resources on pressing issues related to sustainable transportation and mobility. The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the global transport sector and the people and businesses that rely on it in unprecedented ways. Transforming Transportation 2021 takes the COVID-19 crisis as a starting point to reimagine transport and mobility. Please register here

“Words to Action: Building a Resilient Sustainable Mobility, Thursday, 4

February 2021 11.30 AM – 12.30 PM EST,

SuM4All will lead a technical session to discuss transport systems’ resilience to risks and threats. It will start with a presentation of the diagnostic and the upgraded GRA for the transport system’s resilience to risks –including the COVID-19 crisis and climate change – and demonstrate their application in South Africa. It will then deep-dive on three topics that SuM4all worked on over 2020 and demonstrate the policy implications for action in countries.

More news from around the world

  • Albania: Bicycle counters installed and operational in Tirana

Aligned to its efforts towards transformation into a sustainable city, bicycle counters have been installed in two locations in city of Tirana.
This pilot project is part of GIZ’s regional initiative in the field of Sustainable Urban Mobility in South-East European countries funded by the German Government, in which the City of Tirana is a partner.

Up next:

  • TUMIVolt Charging Station – Watch the transformation happening!
    Charging infrastructure is key when implementing sustainable e-mobility projects like e-buses and electric 2-3 wheelers. In TUMI’s latest episode of the TUMIVolt Charging Station, our guest speaker Laurens van Mourik (EV Consult) presented his know-how in the fields of technology selection, location identification, tasks for tendering and important tender parameters. His case study examples and key learnings from different cities complemented the webinar with firsthand experience.
    In case you missed it, we invite you to watch it on demand by following this video link. The previous episodes are accessible on TUMI’s YouTube Channel.

TUMI Podcast: TalkingTransportTransformation

Join TUMI on a trip around the world to learn about sustainable mobility solutions in cities. Meet inspiring experts and pioneers working on resilient urban transport systems, e-mobility, gender-sensitive transport planning and many more. Our guests will be taking us from Nairobi via Bogotá to Delhi. Tune in to accelerate the sustainable transformation of urban mobility – every two weeks, on the platforms you like! Check it out on: Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Deezer, Podigee

In the 10th Episode, Daniel Moser, Management Head of the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI), takes us through the mobility developments of the past year and give us a taste of what to expect of 2021’s mobility activities. Tune in!

  • TUMI Podcast list: New Design

Following the motto: #StayHome and #StayConnected, TUMI has redesigned the sustainable mobility podcast list! Check out the portfolio of podcasts here: https://www.transformative-mobility.org/campaigns/podcasts.

Best regards & stay healthy


