Explore more on the TUMI E-Bus Mission Cities and e-bus targets

The TUMI E-Bus Mission Campaign was officially launched in May 2022. Discover here the TUMI E-Bus Mission City patterns to learn more about participating deep dive cities and their ambitions in deploying e-bus fleets.

Mexico City


E-Bus Target: One Metrobús zero emission line by 2024; full electrification by 2035.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Axolotl

The axolotl now only exists in the wild in one small pond outside Mexico City. The locals have grown very fond of their rare little neighbors. It appears throughout local contemporary culture.

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E-Bus Target: 1500 electric buses by 2024; full electrification of bus fleet by 2030.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Elephant

Elephants are considered a symbol of divine benevolence in India. They are featured prominently on the emblem of the state of Karnataka, Bangalore being its capital.

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E-Bus Target: 300 electric buses by 2023; 50% electrification with 1150 vehicles by 2034.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Hibiscus Flower

The hibiscus flower, or “cayena”, is the symbol of Barranquilla. And like the inhabitants of the city, it will greatly profit from better air and a cleaner environment.

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E-Bus Target: 1485 electric buses by the end of 2022.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Spectacled bear

The spectacled bear is the only bear native to South America and has been spotted near Bogotá. He’s able to climb even the tallest trees of the Andes.

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E-Bus Target: 143 of (1007 currently circulating buses) to immediate electrification; full electrification underway.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Swallow

This bird is the symbol of the city and is depicted on sidewalks, cabs and on the buses themselves.

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E-Bus Target: 500 electric buses by 2022; full electrification by 2025.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Tamil Yeoman

The Tamil Yeoman is the state butterfly of Tamil Nadu state where Chennai is located. ‘Yeoman’ in Tamil is translated to ‘maravan’, meaning warrior – a good omen for the challenges ahead.

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E-Bus Target: 100% electrification of the bus fleet on Inter 2 and the BRT East/West. Full electrification targeted for 2050.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Grimpeiro

Curitiba is the only Brazilian capital where the Grimpeiro can be found. It lives almost exclusively on the Paraná pine. It is dependent on this tree, but also contributes to its preservation.

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E-Bus Target: 1975 electric buses by 2023; 50% electrification targeted for 2027.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Tiger

The tiger is native to India and closely is connected to Dehli as a symbol. As the world’s largest cat species, it is featured in ancient Hindu mythology and folklore throughout history.

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South Africa

E-Bus Target: No specific target yet

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Rhinoceros ‘rhino’

The powerful rhinoceros is native to South Africa and can be found in the areas surrounding the city of Durban. It is a big part of local symbolism and stories.

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E-Bus Target: Renew 100% of public transportation units with low-emission technology operating under new, more efficient user service schemes by 2050.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Blue agave

The blue agave plant has huge symbolic and cultural value for Guadalajara and is considered a valuable cultural asset. It’s also famous for the spirit that is made from it – tequila.

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E-Bus Target: 345 electric buses in 2022, 2330 in 2023, 1267 in 2024 and 1161 electric buses in 2025; full electrification by 2030.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Brahminy Kite

The brahminy kite is the mascot of Jakarta. For Jakarta’s indigenous Betawi population it is the symbol of strength and courage, virtues of those ready to to reach their goals in our changing world.

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E-Bus Target: No specific target yet

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Crane

The crane can be found in and around Ugandas capital Kampala. It is a big part of local history and popular culture. For example, Uganda’s national football team is nicknamed “the cranes”.

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E-Bus Target: No specific target yet

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Black Bear

The black bear can be found in the regions surrounding Monterrey and is easily recognized for its size and color. He is a smart and formidable hunter and also deeply rooted in indigenious stories.

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E-Bus Target: 1600 – 2300 electric buses by 2023; full electrification by 2027.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Leopard

Living in the national park during the day, leopards roam the streets of Mumbai at night. Man and nature first had to get used to each other, but eventually found a way to coexist.

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E-Bus Target: No specific target yet

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Lion

The lion symbolizes Kenya’s wildlife and the courage of the people of Kenya to defend themselves from dangers. They can be seen roaming around or seeking shade in Nairobi’s national park. The Lion is also present on the city’s coat of arm.

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Rio de Janeiro


E-Bus Target: Replacement of 20% of public transport fleet with zero-emission models by 2030; greatly reducing air pollution, GHG emissions and urban noise. Full electrification underway.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Blue macaw

The blue macaw is native to Brazil and is the biggest parrot in the world. It is a smart bird that knows how to use tools and crack even the toughest nut. It’s also the star of the movie “Rio”.

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E-Bus Target: 30% electrification of the BRT fleet by 2024; full electrification by 2049.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Pigeon

The pigeon is a municipal symbol of Salvador, which represents the discovery of a land where the Portuguese, upon arrival in Brazil, could settle in. A long time ago, it was a mode used by navigators to find land.

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São Paulo


E-Bus Target: At least 2600 electric buses by 2024; more than 13000 additional electric buses by 2038 with a target of fleet-wide electrification.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Puma

The puma can be found in its natural habitats outside of Sao Paulo. Among the indigenous people of Brazil, the puma is admired for its power, grace and leadership.

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E-Bus Target: 12 electric buses by 2024.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Blue-billed curassow

The blue-billed curassow is native to Colombia and has great environmental and cultural value for the city of Valledupar. It is endangered and needs our help to protect it!

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E-Bus Target: 300 electric buses by 2023; full electrification by 2024.

E-Bus Mission Symbol: Peacock

The Indian peacock is a common sight in the city of Ahmedabad, as it is native to the region. The bird is celebrated in Hindu mythology and is the national bird of India.

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There are 600,000 e-buses on the road globally, with China accounting for 98% of the global e-bus fleet.

(Source: EVO Report 2021 | BloombergNEF | Bloomberg Finance LP (bnef.com))

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One of the largest tender including 5,450 e-buses was launched by India earlier this year. The deep dive cities of Delhi and Bangalore will benefit from this tender.

(Source: cesl: Lowest-ever prices in e-buses tender: CESL | India News – Times of India (indiatimes.com))

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Several cities and state or province governments have set subnational targets to reach 100% zero-emission transit buses.

(Source: Decarbonizing bus fleets: How subnational targets can aid in phasing out combustion engines – International Council on Clean Transportation (theicct.org)

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Electric buses are moving cities.
Learn more about this here: ITDP_Ebus_singlepages.pdf

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