• 6 April 2021
  • TUMI Update

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TUMI Update April 2021

By Insa Illgen

Join the TUMIVolt Charging Station: Electrifying Informal Transportation in India, April 8, 7:30-8:45 CEST

Join us this Thursday to discuss electrification of informal transportation in India with these topics:

Why electrify informal transportation?
National & Sub-National policies
Challenges to electrification
Financing Solutions

Register here: TUMIVolt Charging Station

Save the date: TUMI2021 Green Recovery for a new Vision of Sustainable Urban Mobility – 25 May 2021

Join a lively digital discussion to explore Green Recovery for a new Vision of Sustainable Urban Mobility. Explore with us where targeted efforts produce the largest impact of greening our cities while stabilizing local economies. Discuss with international experts, high-level speakers and your peer network in interactive and experimental formats. Stay tuned!

#WomenMobilize – beyond International Women’s Day!

The whole month of March, we ran the #WomenMobilize Campaign on our Social Media Channels, raising awareness for the challenges women face in the transport sector and for women as transport users. A special milestone was the publication of the 3rd edition of the Remarkable Women in Transport Publication on March 8th, highlighting 20 more inspiring women working towards more sustainable mobility and equitable cities around the world.

In our new TUMI TV episode on female leadership, we heard about success stories, challenges and recommendations from women that have taken leadership roles in the transport sector and therefore are role models to many young professionals and mobility transformers around the world. The #WomenMobilize Campaign was accompanied by events, videos, and cooperation with several ambitious organizations and groups working towards inclusive mobility.

Even though our campaign has come to an end, we continue to work towards our objectives and build partnerships in order to achieve our vision of gender-sensible and equitable mobility. Some things that we are excited for in the upcoming months:

  • Exciting guests in the second season of TTT – the TUMI Podcast
  • The Women in Motion will launch the second round of their Leadership Programme in 2021
  • Women Mobilize Women will be actively supporting and preparing TUMI2021 (May 25th, 2021) – stay tuned for more information!

TUMI: Tactical Urbanism Pilot – Replicability Manual in EN and SP

The Manual highlights approaches for ‘building safer urban public spaces for women and girls’, based on the experiences gathered by the Me Muevo Segura-Initiative (“I Move Safely” Initiative) that seeks to improve women’s safety in the City of Bogotá.

Me Muevo Segura partnered up with CAF, TUMI and the District Secretariat for Women Bogotá (SDMujer) to implement a “pilot plan of data-driven interventions for the prevention and heightened perception of violence and sexual harassment against women and girls in urban public spaces.”

Watch a short video about Me Muevo Segura here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJof0AEgteg.

Download the Manual:

In English: Tactical Urbanism Pilot – Replicability Manual

In Spanish: Piloto de Urbanismo Táctico – Manual de Replicabilidad

C40: New report – Mayors and Transport Unions Demand Historic Global Investments in Public Transport

Johannesburg have joined forces to demand that governments make an urgent injection of stimulus funding into public transport services and infrastructure in order to drive economic stimulus, create millions of jobs and tackle the climate crisis. As ridership has fallen during the COVID-19 pandemic, so has revenue – public transport agencies across cities worldwide face a critical funding shortfall that threatens jobs and services.

The campaign launched on March 30, The Future of Public Transport confirms that green investment in global public transport systems will not only safeguard existing jobs, but will also create millions of decent, sustainable jobs and cut emissions from the transport sector in cities by over 50% in the next decade. This will create 4.6 million new jobs by 2030, and add many more benefits… (read the full report here )

Learn online: Transforming Urban Mobility – still possible to join 2nd round!

The Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) and the University College of London (UCL) have jointly developed the free ‘Transforming Urban Mobility’ Online Course which started off in its 2nd round in March! Everyone curious to learn about the relationship between global cities and their transport systems is welcome to join. The course, split into 2 parts of 4 and 5 weeks, includes a wealth of video lectures, interactive tasks, learning material as well as many case studies.

The course is open to everyone at no cost. You can enroll here: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/introducing-sustainable-urban-mobility and see the course trailer here. The first part introduces a global audience to the Avoid-Shift-Improve approach and crucial elements of urban development and low-carbon transport.

Read more about our online course here: https://www.transformative-mobility.org/news/online-course-transforming-urban-mobility–game-changer-or-first-step

More news from around the world

  • Lagos, Nigeria: As part of the Lagos Sidewalk Challenge, a local artist beautified the newly constructed walking infrastructure, connecting the TBS bus terminal, a school and a hospital. Through the artworks, the sidewalks are not only safe for approximately 4,000 pupils and 7,000 people accessing the hospital daily, but walking in Lagos also becomes a pleasant and colorful experience.
  • Zhytomyr, Ukraine: The Get to School Sustainably project is aiming to shift modal split at Zhytomyr‘s public schools from motorized towards sustainable modes of transport. Last year, bicycle schools were held with school children and the pupils were involved in the project’s processes, aiming to raise awareness and to shift minds towards active and sustainable mobility. Currently, the cycling infrastructure around the schools is being improved in order to ensure that the pupils can get to school safely and sustainably. Read the project report Reportage: Mit den Augen der Kinder in the GIZ Akzente Magazin (in German).
  • India: Indo-German Virtual Workshop on Innovative Charging Technology for Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) with TUMIVolt: The Indo-German virtual Workshop on Innovative Charging Technology for Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) was organized to advance industrial research partnership in catenary truck technology. To this end, it provided a platform for policy makers, infrastructure developers, R&D institutes, and leading industry players in road freight transport technology/rolling stock supply to share already achieved experience in the sector, combined with an overview of strategies to support each other in reducing the GHG emissions and pollutants from road freight transport. The workshop invited young scientists from Germany & India with an aim to enhance the technological partnership between nations. The broad topics discussed over the workshop were:
  • Why Catenary charging systems for HDV?
  • Role of field tests
  • Pilot Project Challenges & Monitoring
  • Financing & Billing framework for E-Highways
  • Cost Characteristics from HDV operator
  • Catenary Truck & Pantograph charging infrastructure Technology
  • Retrofitting Vehicles & Infrastructure

Find the full information and presentations here: TUMI-IChargeHDV

  • #MobilizeMinds

Curious for updates on electric mobility? Need to understand how to plan for po-up bikelanes? Finally want to understand the 10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport? See our online video library here and learn from the global leading implementation initiative for sustainable urban mobility.

Best regards & stay healthy

Insa Illgen

