• 7 January 2021
  • TUMI Update

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TUMI Update January 2021

by Daniel Moser

TUMI proudly presents: Module II of the free online course on sustainable urban mobility starts on January 11 – enroll now!

We are delighted to inform you about our new module of our online course on sustainable urban mobility – co-developed by the University College of LondonBartlett School of Planning and the GIZ-Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI).

This module focuses on low emission mobility strategies such as public transport, active mobility and the electrification of vehicles. It is the second part of our course that presents to a large audience the Avoid-Shift-Improve approach, a comprehensive framework for reducing emissions in urban transport. Part one focuses on integrated transport and city planninghowever, it is neither mandatory nor necessary to complete Part 1 before starting Part 2.

Please forward this information to your staff or anyone who might be interested in signing up to this course. Participants can register here: Transforming Urban Mobility – Online Course – FutureLearn

TUMI Event Calendar– mark the dates you don’t want to miss!

TUMI hosts a wide array of training courses and other learning events through its 11 TUMI partners. If you want to stay on top of it all, we’ve got you.You can subscribe to the calendar of key events. Don’t miss out on any opportunity.

If you do have events planned which you think we should feature – you can send us your events and learning offers at info@transformative-mobility.org, to be included in the TUMI event calendar. If you are interested, please send us the complete information via e-mail ideally 2 weeks before the event. All you need is a picture, 2 paragraphs of text and a link to the platform/website/registration page to promote your event.

Also, check out our permanent knowledge data base! We are happy to work out tailor-made knowledge solutions in the field of sustainable mobility.

From our colleagues and partners

  • What is the sustainable transport project SMART-SUT exactly doing to support Indian partners in planning and implementation of sustainable urban transport systems? Read through their brand new project update to find answers! Click here to read the paper
  • Put on your mittens! #TUMITV episode on #wintercycling: Learn more on how your city can prepare for cycling even in the harshest conditions and why the promotion of winter cycling in an ethical question: Click here to watch the episode now

Wishing you a wonderful start of the year!

Best regards & stay healthy


