• 28 June 2023
  • TUMI Update

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TUMI Update July 2023

Welcome to this issue of the TUMI Update!

We are still thrilled as we reflect on the incredible experience we had at the recent #TUMI2023 Conference on #FeministVoicesInTransport. The event was a true inspiration and highlighted the urgent need for safe and free daily movement to achieve equitable and sustainable mobility. Women took center stage and speakers such as Robin Chase, an American transportation entrepreneur, challenged everyone to confront existing barriers and to work towards breaking them down. If you were unable to attend the Conference, you can still catch up on all the insightful sessions by visiting our official YouTube channel!

As we dived into the summer season, TUMI activities continue thriving. We are excited to unveil our upcoming activities and share the latest news with you, aiming to keep your motivation high. Read on for a list of inspiring and free online courses to take during the summer!

Kind regards,
Your TUMI-Team

Highlight of the Month

©WRI Brasil

Measures Catalogue for Improving the Circularity of Batteries Used in E-Buses

Exciting news from the TUMI E-Bus Mission! Together with Öko Institut, the TUMI E–Bus Mission has developed the Measures Catalogue for Improving the Circularity of Batteries Used in E-Buses. While efforts are made to increase the share of electric vehicles in public transport, it is crucial to consider circularity and end-of-life management of such technologies during the planning and procurement stages.

The measures catalogue is designed to be a practical guide for policy makers and procurement practitioners in transitioning economies to address the needs of:
-policy formulation
-procurement tendering
-safe disposal of non-reusable/recyclable components of e-buses.

Download the catalogue >>

Women Mobilize Women

Podcast with Robin Chase

Imagine: Sustainable mobility that lets people move autonomously at all ages and income levels! WMW’s Remarkable Feminist Voice in Transport 2023, Robin Chase, depicts a clear vision on our latest Transforming Transportation podcast episode and says when people are given the chance to try sustainable options like e-bikes or car-free neighborhoods, they’ll love it!

Tune in here >>

Do you prefer reading? Find the interview on our Blog >>



Feminist Voices in Transport take center stage

Following the impactful #TUMI2023 Conference, where the transformative force of #FeministVoicesInTransport took center stage, our WMW Ambassador, Melissa Bruntlett, penned a thoughtful recap article. This piece encapsulates the essence of the conference, shedding light on key takeaways and fostering a deeper understanding of the multifaceted challenges in creating an inclusive transport sector that works for everyone.

Dive into the recap article >>

If you were unable to attend the TUMI2023 Conference, you can still catch up on all the insightful sessions!

Read & watch the full TUMI2023 Conference recap >>

Feminist development policy and the just transition: complimenting forces for gender equitable transport

Have you ever wondered what gender has to do with transport? How gender relates to the just transition? Women Mobilize Women Ambassador Melissa Bruntlett took the time to explain!

Learn more >>

Discussing feminist mobility planning at the 8th German National Cycling Congress

Women Mobilize Women participated at the Side Event ‘Feminist mobility policy and mobility planning for all!’ in Frankfurt last week.

With representatives of the media, science, planning, civil-society, business and politics – and a certain focus on the cycling realm – WMW, together with Women in Mobility (WiM) and Women in Cycling (WiC) discussed how the wording ‘feminist’ should be understood as transformative power. A power to accelerate change by seeking intersectional and inclusive access to mobility for all – reaching from equality to equity. To get there, people from diverse backgrounds, with diverse challenges and perspectives, need to become part of the decision-making process when planning mobility.


Mobilize Minds

Avoid the summer laziness and get your knowledge up-to-date!

Did you know? TUMI offers a variety of learning resources within our focus area ‘Mobilize Minds’. During the hopefully relaxing summer months, you might consider joining one of our e-learning opportunities:

You’d like to learn more about future-ready e-bus projects with the latest digital tools and services? Digitalizing E-Bus Projects provides just that!

Go to training >>



How can cities become sustainable, innovative, and inclusive? Find out with Achieving Transitions to Zero Carbon Emissions and Sustainable Urban Mobility course!

Go to training >>


You’d like to learn the key principles of sustainable and integrated urban and transport planning? Transforming Urban Mobility is the course for you!
(Please register on FutureLearn to get notified when the next round begins)

Go to training >>


Courses offered by our partner Institute for Transportation and Development Policy:

Mastering the Cycling City helps you envision, design, institutionalize and promote urban cycling.

Go to training >>


Mobility and Access for Babies, Toddlers, and Their Caregivers allows you to shift your perspective and learn about how factors like proximity and walkability benefit this overlooked user group.

Go to training >>

Happy learning! For more information, head to our Website >>

Leading Transport Transitions – An Executive Education Programme for city leaders transforming urban mobility

Do you know any city leaders who have, through their work as public officials, made significant advancements in sustainable mobility? We are seeking nominations for those remarkable individuals who are transforming urban transportation for the tailored leadership programme ‘Leading Transport Transitions’.

Organized and delivered through a strategic partnership between the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI), the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), this collaboration provides policy and leadership training for urban mobility leaders in emerging and developing economies. The executive programme, designed for 15-20 mayors and high-level urban transport leaders, enhances their knowledge and skills in analyzing, planning, and implementing progressive urban transport policies, programmes, and projects.

The programme adopts a modular approach, combining an upfront online module with a follow-up in-person module at the LSE faculty in London in spring 2024. Nominate now!

Learn more >>

Implementing the circular economy in mobility

The circular economy can improve the transport system’s environmental balance, with circular
mobility allowing for greater mobility using fewer vehicles and more durable, easily reparable

TUMI, in its commitment to sustainable transportation, has supported the English translation of the Factsheet on circular economy in mobility, which was developed by VCÖ. This publication sheds light on the practical implementation of circular economy principles and how they can contribute to decarbonizing the mobility sector.

Learn more & download the Factsheet >>



TUMI Pilots

Photo exhibition: Ukrainian feminist voices

Feminist voices in transport are resonating strongly in Ukraine these days. For over a year and a half, trains, metro stations, buses, and cars have become a home and a hope for Ukrainian people. At the same time women use transport systems not just as shelter and for evacuation but to save the lives of others.

Here is a documentary exhibition about searching and finding a path, motion and rescue, departures and destinations, frailty and strength, courage and devotion. The stories and photos have been provided by Reporters.media, the only Ukrainian online and printed magazine specializing in long-form literary reporting. This project is part of the independent The Ukrainians Media ecosystem.

The team covers important and acute social issues often overlooked by general interest media. During the Russian-Ukrainian war, the team brought together the best Ukrainian long-form authors and photographers to engage in on-the-ground journalism, setting the goal of documenting the real lives of people and recording Russian war crimes to help make Ukrainian reality visible.

©Serhii Morhunov

Explore the photo exhibition >>


TUMI Job Offers

Join the TUMI Team as intern!

Are you deeply passionate about sustainable mobility? If so, we have an incredible opportunity for you! TUMI is currently seeking enthusiastic individuals to join our team in two exciting positions:

1. Intern in the field of Sustainable Mobility, with focus on communication (feasible for non-German Speakers)
Read more and apply >>

2. Intern in the field of Sustainable Mobility, with focus on policy advice.
Read more and apply >>

Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of the solution! Apply now and help us pave the way for a more sustainable tomorrow.


TUMI Partner News


C40 | Online course
Become an inclusive climate action leader!

C40 Women4Climate has developed a free
4-week online course, Developing Skills for Women Leadership in Climate Action, to empower and inspire women and girls to strengthen their leadership skills to deliver climate initiatives rooted in the principles of inclusion and equity.

The course will help learners to improve their knowledge on the connections between climate change and gender equality, and build their leadership, storytelling and change-making skills. The course was developed with support from Fondation L’Oréal and the participation of academics and experts from Columbia Climate School and CARE France.

Learners who complete the course will receive a free certificate demonstrating their skills and commitment to learning.

Join a growing global community of climate leaders!

Register here >>



ICLEI | Event
Daring Cities 2023 kicks off with multilevel dialogues at the Bonn Climate Conference

Daring Cities 2023 started with a bang with a two-day event hosted by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and the City of Bonn, Germany, alongside the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Talks (SB58). For the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, stakeholders were able to meet in person for a Daring Cities event, and local leaders sat face-to-face with national negotiators to make the case for urban inclusion in national goals and implementation strategies.

Read all the outcomes here >>


ICLEI | Virtual Forum
Daring Cities 2023 Virtual Forum brings a just and equitable climate emergency response into sharp focus

After kicking off in person at the Bonn Climate Conference, Daring Cities 2023 continues with a virtual forum going for nine weeks, offering 15+ free webinars with experts across the field of urban climate action.

See the schedule & register here >>


ICLEI | Toolkit
#Stocktake4ClimateEmergency: Accelerate climate emergency action through a City Hall Paris Agreement debate

Cities, towns and regions are invited to provide an official contribution to the Paris Agreement’s Global Stocktake, to turn their city halls and regional parliaments into mini-COP venues. The LGMA, the official constituency for local and regional governments within the UNFCCC, is offering a toolkit for cities to organize these dialogues.

Get the Toolkit >>



ICLEI | Checklist
Youth Engagement Checklist for local and regional governments goes live

Want to meaningfully engage youth in your #ClimateAction efforts but not sure where to start? ICLEI’s checklist for local and regional governments will guide you step by step. Download it now and start building a better world together with the next generation with these practical steps.

Download the Checklist >>


ICLEI | Forum
Cities and Subnationals Weigh in on a Global Plastics Treaty at INC-2

Cities are taking the lead in the fight against plastic pollution! Global mayors, scientists, and NGOs gathered at the Paris International Forum to discuss solutions and emphasize the power of local action.

Read the outcomes here >>



ITDP | Event
ITDP Convenes Global Staff and Supporters for Mobilize Learning Lab

In June, ITDP and the MOBILIZE program invited participants to Bogotá, Colombia, the 2022 Sustainable Transport Award winner, to see first-hand the city’s efforts to build resilient and equitable public transport, and to discuss how this work can influence a collective vision for the future of public transport. Participants used a combination of place-based learning from site visits and lessons from expert speakers from Bogotá, discussions and breakout sessions, and interactive spaces to co-create solutions related to resilient, inclusive transport.




ITDP | Webinar
How Jalisco, Mexico Collaborated and Innovated to Build Better Transport

A 2023 Sustainable Transport Award Honorable Mention, the State of Jalisco, Mexico discusses in this webinar how building out a holistic transport system can best leverage collaboration between different sectors and levels of government. The Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara and three municipalities (Tlaquepaque, Guadalajara and Zapopan) have been working to create a holistic mobility system in the Mi Macro Periférico BRT system.

Learn more >>



ITDP | Case Study
Lessons Learned from Bogotá’s Comprehensive Urban Mobility Planning

This case study publication dives deeper into the evolution of sustainable urban mobility in Bogotá, Colombia, a two-time recipient of the Sustainable Transport Award (in 2005 and 2022). It is a useful report for cities, decision makers and advocates to learn how a strong vision for equitable and sustainable urban mobility can transcend through different political terms, and how mobility systems can withstand and bounce back from disruptions, such as the recent pandemic, while also addressing climate change.




ITDP | Blog Post
Why Road Safety is an Issue of Race and Equity in US Cities

In the US on Juneteenth, it is crucial that the transport community continues to acknowledge the inequitable impacts of urban planning on low-income communities of color across American cities, while also working to co-create solutions that make cities safer and more accessible for all. Prioritizing road safety is an intersectional issue that is not only about physical design but also social, economic, and political power — read more on ITDP’s blog.



ITDP | Case Study
Lessons Learned from Bogotá’s Comprehensive Urban Mobility Planning

This case study publication dives deeper into the evolution of sustainable urban mobility in Bogotá, Colombia, a two-time recipient of the Sustainable Transport Award (in 2005 and 2022). It is a useful report for cities, decision makers and advocates to learn how a strong vision for equitable and sustainable urban mobility can transcend through different political terms, and how mobility systems can withstand and bounce back from disruptions, such as the recent pandemic, while also addressing climate change.




ITDP | Blog Post
Creating A ‘Kingdom for Bicycles’ in Yichang, China

Over the past two decades, ITDP China has been working closely with major cities across the country to advance a vision for urban cycling that is inclusive and accessible. This includes projects to implement bicycle lanes, bicycle parking, and other facilities to provide more people with a quick, safe, affordable, and sustainable transport option — particularly in major cities. Read more about ITDP’s work in Yichang on the ITDP blog.



Engagement in the UN General Assembly Resolution – World Sustainable Transport Day

On 16 May 2023, the United Nations General Assembly declared 26 November World Sustainable Transport Day. Marking a milestone in SLOCAT’s sustained efforts to bring the voice of the sustainable, low carbon transport movement into intergovernmental processes, the United Nations’ resolution notes the importance of continued cooperation and coordination between the UN and existing partnerships including SLOCAT.

Resolution A/RES/77/286 on the World Sustainable Transport Day was led by Turkmenistan and co-sponsored by 66 other countries. The World Day seeks to enhance intermodal transport connectivity, promote environmentally friendly transport, develop socially inclusive transport infrastructure and other transport sustainability aspects.



SLOCAT | Report launch
Transport, Climate and Sustainability Global Status Report – 3rd Edition

Telling the global and regional stories of where we are and where we need to get to urgently on climate and sustainability action for transport and mobility. With contributions from 150 world-class experts and organisations, this flagship report is a one-stop shop for the latest available data, targets, developments and trends on transport demand, emissions, policies and measures.

As a novelty for this edition, the report will be released in a modular approach starting from the end of this month. For each modular release, you will be able to download the chapters, spotlights and figures package from our website. The full report will be launched at Germany’s Transport and Climate Change Week 2023 on 13 September 2023.

The first module on Transport Pathways to Reach Global Climate and Sustainability Goals will be released on 28 June. Sign up for the discussion webinar now!




UN | Road Global Road Safety Week campaign
Celebrating people-friendly streets in Kenya for the UN Global Road Safety Week

To mark the 7th UN Global Road Safety Week, UN-Habitat in collaboration with local partners, and funding from the United Nations Road Safety Fund, celebrated road safety initiatives in the cities of Mombasa and Nakuru in Kenya in May. In Mombasa, a road safety workshop was held to emphasize creating safe school zones and routes. In Nakuru, street artists tested the design ideas and exhibited colourful crosswalk paintings to encourage the road users to rethink safety for pedestrians and cyclists.



UN | News
Kenya’s First Lady Racheal Ruto Champions Cycling for Road Safety and Healthy Communities at the 2nd UN-Habitat Assembly

Kenya’s First Lady Racheal Ruto, with fellow cyclists from the Mama Cycling initiative, cycled 10.8km from the State House to the United Nations compound in Gigiri, marking the 2nd day of United Nations Habitat Assembly. In a speech after the bike ride, she called for mutual respect between cyclists and motorists reflecting on her own cycling experiences. She also announced the launch of the Global Alliance of Cities for Road Safety (ACRoS), emphasizing the importance of cycling for a healthy community. Racheal highlighted the alliance’s role in promoting road safety and environmental sustainability.



Watch the video >>



UN | E-mobility exhibition
E-mobility startups showcase low-carbon mobility at the 2nd UN-Habitat Assembly

Through the SOLUTIONSplus network, E-mobility startups in Kenya were invited to showcase their e-mobility solutions which include Electric buses, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, and kickboard-scooters at the United Nations compound in Gigiri, Nairobi throughout the week for the 2nd UN-Habitat Assembly (UNHA2). The exhibition invited the delegates and staff for test rides, providing a first-hand experience of their environmental benefits and seamless functionality. It was an exciting convergence of sustainability, innovation, and progress, bringing together visionaries and decision-makers to champion the cause of a sustainable mobility.



UN | Assembly
Decision makers and stakeholders convene to discuss sustainable urban mobility at UN-Habitat Assembly side event

An UN-Habitat Assembly side event, co-organized by the International Association of Public Transport (UITP), International Union of Railways (UIC), SLOCAT Partnership, Walk 21 Foundation, and UN-Habitat hosted speakers of national and municipal decision makers and stakeholders: the mayor of Brikana City, Gambia; and the representatives from Kenya Railways Corporation (KRC) and Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA). The speakers shared the progress and challenges regarding public transport, walking, and cycling. The side event highlighted the crucial relationship between policy, action, impact, and reporting to enhance urban mobility, achieve the SDGs, and address the climate change challenges.


WRI | Challenge
Introducing the Toyota Mobility Foundation Sustainable Cities Challenge

The need for innovative mobility solutions has never been more essential – and the possibilities have never been greater.

WRI, in partnership with the Toyota Mobility Foundation and Challenge Works, is excited to announce the launch of the Sustainable Cities Challenge.

Cities may enter for a chance to be selected to host a City Challenge in 2024, receive a range of capacity building support to attract innovators and access up to $3 million in funding to spur local innovators.

Learn more >>



